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SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics

Table of Contents
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Random Paths and Cuts, Electrical Networks, and Reversible Markov Chains

Kenneth A. Berman and Mokhtar H. Konsowa

pp. 311-319

On the Structure of Minimum-Weight $k$-Connected Spanning Networks

Daniel Bienstock, Ernest F. Brickell, and Clyde L. Monma

pp. 320-329

Generalizations of the Normal Basis Theorem of Finite Fields

Nader H. Bshouty and Gadiel Seroussi

pp. 330-337

Shrinking Lattice Polyhedra

John Cremona and Susan Landau

pp. 338-348

Optimal Assembly of an $s$-Stage $k$-Out-of-$n$ System

D. Z. Du and F. K. Hwang

pp. 349-354

Canonical Antichains on the Circle and Applications

P. Frankl

pp. 355-363

A New Basis for Trades

G. B. Khosrovshahi and S. Ajoodani-Namini

pp. 364-372

Computing the Bandwidth of Interval Graphs

Daniel J. Kleitman and Rakesh V. Vohra

pp. 373-375

One-Page Book Embedding under Vertex-Neighborhood Constraints

Shlomo Moran and Yaron Wolfstahl

pp. 376-390

On the $1.1$ Edge-Coloring of Multigraphs

Takao Nishizeki and Kenichi Kashiwagi

pp. 391-410

A Hierarchy of Relaxations between the Continuous and Convex Hull Representations for Zero-One Programming Problems

Hanif D. Sherali and Warren P. Adams

pp. 411-430

Finding Critical Independent Sets and Critical Vertex Subsets are Polynomial Problems

Cun-Quan Zhang

pp. 431-438